• useful trick: \only<1-| handout:0>{\multiinclude[<+>][format=pdf]{file}} \only<beamer:0| handout:1>{\includegraphics{file-1}} #
  • watching jeopardy ibm challenge http://www-943.ibm.com/innovation/us/watson/ #
  • really Watson chooses the daily double as its first jeopardy clue?? did the programmers create an algorithm for the most likely daily double #
  • #watson after going for the daily double is now systematically going through the $200 clues? #
  • category `name the decade' and #watson 's top answers are 1950s, kingdom (?), and it's a small world (?) #
  • #watson certainly seems quicker in buzzing in than the human contestants #
  • first question a human gets right in a while is due to #watson not being above his confidence threshold...what is that anyway? #
  • from the #jeopardy infomercial it appears as if the #watson coders don't know what they've programmed, although I'm sure that is the editing #
  • hmm #watson gets terminal wrong (and didn't turn orange!!) and he was 97% confident...what is confidence anyway? #
  • we've got a game here on #jeopardy human vs #watson #
  • R graph gallery: http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/ from Bernie Daigle http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~cse/people.html #
  • watching day 3 of jeopardy's #ibm challenge. it appear #watson needs those precious seconds for computation as he loses on short questions #

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19 February 2011
