number of items not equal to size of node
No code to show here, but I received this error:
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OpenBUGS version 3.2.1 rev 781
type 'modelQuit()' to quit
OpenBUGS> model is syntactically correct
OpenBUGS> data loaded
OpenBUGS> model compiled
OpenBUGS> OpenBUGS> number of items not equal to size of node error pos 1212 (error on line 1)
OpenBUGS> initial values generated, model initialized
OpenBUGS> update error for node algorithm discrete slice updater error can not sample node too many iterations
OpenBUGS> monitor set
OpenBUGS> monitor set
OpenBUGS> monitor set
OpenBUGS> monitor set
OpenBUGS> inference can not be made when sampler is in adaptive phase
OpenBUGS> inference can not be made when sampler is in adaptive phase
OpenBUGS> inference can not be made when sampler is in adaptive phase
OpenBUGS> inference can not be made when sampler is in adaptive phase
OpenBUGS> can not calculate deviance for this model
OpenBUGS> update error for node algorithm discrete slice updater error can not sample node too many iterations
OpenBUGS> inference can not be made when sampler is in adaptive phase
OpenBUGS> no monitors set
It turns out that an initialized parameter vector was not the same size as parameter vector inside OpenBUGS. Making sure they were the same length solved the problem.
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