AES Consulting meeting on 24 Jan 2017
- 3 large trays each with 7x5 array of small trays
- each small tray can hold 6x3 array of plants
- 105 mutants
- 3 controls/checks: wildtype, mutant1, mutant2 105 mutant plant types + 3 controls (checks)
- 2 treatment that can be assigned to a small tray:
measure leaf area (repeatedly over time)
- How do mutants compare to wildtype under different treatments?
- Is the difference between the mutants and wildtype similar to the difference between the check mutants and wildtype?
- (Perhaps) compare mutants to each other
These are just some thoughts and not necessarily suggestions.
- For the seven trays in a column, put all 3 checks and 15 mutants so that all mutants are represented in each column.
- Repeat this for the following column and then randomly assign the two treatments to one of these columns and the other treatment to the other.
- For the next combination of two columns, perform the same procedure but use an alpha lattice design to minimize overlap amongst the mutants.