Bioengineering insights
I'm currently attending Bioengineering Insights 2009. It is a one-day conference on the interdisciplinary research effort at UCSB and with industry in the fields of biology, engineering, chemistry, physics and (with any luck) statistics. The opening keynote address was given by Lee Hood of the Institute for Systems Biology. He gave an overview talk about the work his group is doing at ISB and where he believes medicine is headed in the future. In particular, promoted the idea of P4 medicine, where the P's stand for Predictive, Preventive, Personalized, and Participatory and more information can be found here.
I attended Session A: Systems Biology this morning and learned alot about research going on at UCSB. The speakers were Linda Petzold, Cherie Briggs, Jean Carlson, Megan Valentine, and David Low. In particular, I think my research would mesh well with Linda Petzold and her work on Post-traumatic stress disorder, Cherie Briggs and her SIR-type modeling of fungal infections in frogs, or David Low and his Markov chain approach to understanding a 1kilobase pair region of the bacterial genome. Overall I thought Session A was full of exciting new research topics.
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