Reducing drug resistant staph infections
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections are a health-care concern around the globe. In the U.S. the mortality rate for this infection is 6.3 (interval estimate 3.3-7.5) per 100,000 according to this report. In addition, infections acquired in hospitals increase hospital stay, require longer treatment and management, increase in infectious control demands. The puts a large financial burden on healths systems, e.g. it costs the UK's NHS ~1 billion [pounds] per annum. In the US this costs gets incorporated into the premiums that individuals and employers pay.
Fortunately the solution appears simple:
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- Prescribe fewer antibiotics.
- MRSA patients are isolated and medical staff who test positive stay at home.
- Track each individual case by strain and test anyone who has been in contact with an infected person.
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