Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-12-10
- my poster on a measles outbreak in Zimbabwe in 2010 for #2011ISDSConference #
- catching up on my @sciencemagazine reading, photos help catch E. coli outbreak in sprouts #
- catching up on @sciencemagazine reading, new vaccine research lobbying group #
- +1 for #2011ISDSConference providing in-room wireless access, -1 for no access in conference rooms (no real-time commentary) #
- +1 #2011ISDSConference turns out there is (some) wireless access, Philip Polgreen currently promoting #Iowa #
- Philip Polgreen's website #2011ISDSConference #
- #2011ISDSConference Marcel Salathe website #
- @marcelsalathe #2011ISDSConference sure, but the information still has to be broadly distributed #
- #2011ISDSConference @marcelsalathe collecting lots of twitter data #
- #2011ISDSConference Mark Smolinski mentions that we should ask people directly rather than using passive systems #
- #2011ISDSConference Smolinski mentions a site with self-reporting flu symptoms #
- #2011ISDSConference Smolinski introduces perhaps has the possibility to get information on recovery rates? #
- @a_signorini agreed. perhaps a suggestion for next year (otherwise we will have two different tags) #
- #2011ISDSConference @kasshout speaking, here is his blog #
- #2011ISDSConference biosense2.0 came out in Nov'11 #
- #2011ISDSConference to learn how to make optimal decisions (as was just asked), come see my talk 2pm Wed in Georgia 2,3 #
- @SteveDavis92 I think it means signal coverage #2011ISDSConference #
- #2011ISDSConference Farzad mentions as providing immediate user feedback #
- #2011ISDSConference e-Health evaluation: Bellagio call to action #
- #2011ISDSConference six #Iowa talks in a row in Georgia 2,3 #
- new LAS dean #
- #2011ISDSConference Sriram Somanchi now speaking in Spatial Cluster Detection I, GA 2/3 #
- @2011ISDSConference Somanchi learning graph structure for disease outbreaks #
- #2011ISDSConference Daniel Neill detecting previously unseen outbreaks #
- #2011ISDSConference Luis Duczmal discussing Voronoi based spatial scan statistics #
- #2011ISDSConference starting the day off irregular with Skyler Speakman GA 2/3 #
- #2011ISDSConference Ana Corberan with a Bayesian approach to the spatio-temporal detection problem GA 2/3 #
- #2011ISDSConference Yevgeniy Elbert talking about finding clusters of unusual patient ZIP codes GA 2/3 #
- #Influenza #H3N2 in #Iowa in children who have fully recovered #
- #2011ISDSConference use of ESSENCE ( in the VA discussed by Howard Burkom ( GA 2/3 #
- #2011ISDSConference Anne Fouillet ( analyzing ED visits in Paris GA 2/3 #
- #2011ISDSConference Eric Lau discussing the use of DLMs ( for disease surveillance #
- #2011ISDSConference joint presentation by Lana Deyneka and Howard Burkom about time-of-arrival clusters in EDs #
- #2011IDSDConference Jason Fries ( on incorporating user authority #
- #2011ISDSConference Jason Fries (…) on incorporating user authority GA 2/3 #
- #2011ISDSConference Dina Passman (@notjustanepi) discussing the 2010 Haiti Earthquake GA 2/3 #
- #2011ISDSConference research meeting GA 9/10, house data securely, allow algorithms to run on the data, generate analysis report #
- #2011ISDSConference Res.Meet. possible sub-committees: methodology developers vs methodology seekers #
- #2011ISDSConference Alex Garza "to see a good catfight, don't put 3 lawyers into a room. put 3 modelers into a room" #
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