This website is designed to host course material for HCI/PSYCH 522 Scientific Methods in Human Computer Interaction at Iowa State University.

Relevant course pages


  • Lazar, J.; Feng, J. H.; and Hochheiser, H. (2017). Research methods in human-computer interaction. John Wiley & Sons
  • Robertson, Judy and Kaptein, Maurits (2016). Modern Statistical Methods for HCI. Springer
  • Travis, David and Hodgson, Philip (2019). Think Like a UX Researcher. CRC Press


We will be using the Statistical Software R. I will be using RStudio as the interface to R. I suggest you install R and RStudio.

Course Description

Basics of hypothesis testing, experimental design, analysis and interpretation of data, and the ethical principles of human research as they apply to research in human computer interaction.

Course Objectives



The prerequisite for the course is PSYCH 521 and STAT 101 or equivalent.


Please use the Canvas discussion forum.

Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Recommendations

This course abides by the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Recommendations.