From the inbox:
Dear Dr. Niemi, I am writing to invite you to submit a manuscript to the recently launched journal Dataset Papers in Cell Biology, which is part of a series of journals published by Datasets International ( Dataset Papers in Cell Biology is an open access journal that is focused entirely on the publication of Dataset Papers, which are relatively short articles that describe a piece of experimental or observational data that an author has collected. Alongside each Dataset Paper, a copy of the underlying data that is described in the paper will be made freely available for readers to download. Authors are welcome to submit Dataset Papers that describe either a piece of data that has already been discussed in a traditional research article, or a manuscript describing a new set of data that has not yet been discussed in a research article. Manuscripts submitted to Dataset Papers in Cell Biology should contain a detailed explanation of the methodology and materials used in conducting the experiment, as well as enough metadata about the accompanying dataset to make this data clear and useful for other researchers. More detailed information can be found in the journal's author guidelines, which are located at The journal has a distinguished Editorial Board composed of leading cell biology researchers from around the world, a list of whom can be found at Dataset Papers in Cell Biology is published using an open access publication model, meaning that all interested readers are able to freely access the journal online without the need for a subscription. The journal does not currently require any page charges, color charges, or article processing charges, and authors will not be charged any fee for the hosting of their underlying data. Manuscripts should be submitted to the journal online at Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, it will undergo language copyediting, typesetting, and reference validation in order to provide the highest publication quality possible. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the journal. Best regards, Soha Labib ----------------------------------------- Soha Labib Editorial Office Dataset Papers in Cell Biology Datasets International -----------------------------------------
This is fantastic! I hope that funding agencies start recognizing scientist who create valuable data sets. There is no reason that a scientist should be an expert at the techniques required to generate high quality data sets and the analysis of those data. If there was some measure of how often a scientists data set was used, then perhaps there would be a way to reward scientists for creating these valuable data sets. Publishing the experimental protocol and the data created is certainly a step in the right direction since the paper can be referenced and those references can be counted.

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21 February 2012
